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Sunday school new season September 7, 2006

Posted by David in Church, Church School, church-kids, Sunday School.

This Sunday is the new season for our Sunday school. All the children have moved up a year in school. Some are starting important exams and some of the younger kids are ready to try harder things (and fun things I hope).

I have been trying to call H, my fellow Sunday school teacher, but she is not answering her phone. Looks like only I will be with the kids this Sunday.

I have been thinking seriously and praying about the coming work this year and I have decided that the children learn and understand the bible stories that are learnt, and as Sunday school teachers, we are now better at helping them to apply what they have learnt to their daily lives at school. But there is a slight lack of continuity over how each of the people in the bible relate to each other. (For example, the Israelites were in Egypt because they had been led there by Joseph and his brothers).

So this year, the plan is to be more chronological in the approach and to link everything together. Hopefully we can have a basic timeline and add stories to it as they are learnt.